Saturday, April 12, 2014

End of the Week

Ladies, I love all of your posts!  Good job this week.  All of your posts really motivate me so thank you. 

I've evened out with the sugar cravings.  They were intense for the first part of the week and then they just POOF!  magically disappeared.  Instead I don't really want to eat anything.  :(  So, having to keep track of positive foods has been good.  It is like my taste buds are throwing a fit, "If you don't let me enjoy sweets then I'm not going to let you enjoy ---!"  It is helping with the late night eating I used to do but I hope it isn't a permanent thing. 

I did get some negative food points because I went out with Brian last night and ate some gross egg rolls.  We just picked them up at the mall and it was a sad thing to waste good points on such poor food.  I should have gone all out if I was going to give up my points... :)

My workouts are getting easier.  I'm trying to just get the children out and walk in the evenings right before Brian comes home.  Like Karen, I'm finding it easier if I have dinner going before I leave.  If anyone wants to walk in the AM and be back before 7:30, I would love to get together a couple times a week.  This week if I didn't get out, I did a Pilates video.   It is one I had before having Joey that used to be really easy for me.  Now, not so much...but I'm getting there.  Maybe if this guy were my trainer I would be doing better.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about those gross egg rolls. They are all dry and crunchy, like they have been sitting around all day. I haven't had any negative points things yet, but I know how to use the neutral and neutral limited list to make some really great, high calorie things. I know how to beat the system. That's why I'm still keeping track of what I eat in a calorie app. I'm trying not to be too rigid but I do have a habit of overeating. Not enough to make me gain weight (unless it christmas vacation or something) but enough that I can't loose. I guess that's not overeating. It's actually just what my body is made to do, maintain my weight and give me energy. I think I might need to be eating more. My workouts the last three days have been really hard, to the point of me not enjoying it much. Usually I love a good workout but I feel kind of weak. This picture is so funny. I love the speedo and pose. I'm so glad your cravings are gone. Mine too. I hope you get your appetite back. Maybe it's your body mourning the loss of sweets so it's in a state of depression until it realizes there are so many more delicious things out there.
