Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Hello!  I had cravings today too!  I know I'm addicted to sugar and that's what I'm trying to overcome.  I've been reading a book called "10-Day Detox Diet" and it's all about overcoming that sugar addiction and what sugar does to your body (besides make you gain weight).  I really want to be in control of what I eat and not have it control me.  I did make progress today though.  I cut up some strawberries for dinner and did NOT put sugar on them!  And.... they tasted just fine without it! I walked about six miles today, at two different times.  I need to throw some weights and yoga in there to balance it out though and just haven't taken the time to do that.  We'll get there!  I love the team support and encouragement.  Let's keep up the good work - we can do this!

1 comment:

  1. I have similar thoughts about sugar. I worry I give my kids too much too. They are always asking for desert. I know sugar is tied to depression so I'd really like to keep it at bay, but it's so delicious! I have been off sugar at several times in my life and I found that once I had a week or so without it, the cravings will go away and other things can satisfy. I made some loaves of whole wheat bread and I had a slice for dessert last night with a little honey on it. It was so delicious. It's so helpful for me to think of you guys trying to work on the same things as me. This is my first time joining up with other people and I can't believe how it's changed my mind set. Accountability is a great thing!
