Saturday, April 12, 2014

End of the Week

Ladies, I love all of your posts!  Good job this week.  All of your posts really motivate me so thank you. 

I've evened out with the sugar cravings.  They were intense for the first part of the week and then they just POOF!  magically disappeared.  Instead I don't really want to eat anything.  :(  So, having to keep track of positive foods has been good.  It is like my taste buds are throwing a fit, "If you don't let me enjoy sweets then I'm not going to let you enjoy ---!"  It is helping with the late night eating I used to do but I hope it isn't a permanent thing. 

I did get some negative food points because I went out with Brian last night and ate some gross egg rolls.  We just picked them up at the mall and it was a sad thing to waste good points on such poor food.  I should have gone all out if I was going to give up my points... :)

My workouts are getting easier.  I'm trying to just get the children out and walk in the evenings right before Brian comes home.  Like Karen, I'm finding it easier if I have dinner going before I leave.  If anyone wants to walk in the AM and be back before 7:30, I would love to get together a couple times a week.  This week if I didn't get out, I did a Pilates video.   It is one I had before having Joey that used to be really easy for me.  Now, not so much...but I'm getting there.  Maybe if this guy were my trainer I would be doing better.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 7

I'm working backwards in this progression.  I'm stuck in between the first two pictures.

I can't believe a week has passed. I feel like the week went really well and I think it's because I knew you guys were doing it with me.  I feel like I'm accountable to you all and supported.  it's a great feeling.  Thanks!  In my quest to drop my last bit of baby weight, I have not been able to be consistent.  I do well for a few days then fall into bad habits. It makes for very little progress.  I'm really hopeful about this program because of how many weeks i have to be consistent.

I made a dessert tonight to use one of my negative point freebies.  It's made of neutral ingredients but it's heavy in calories.

1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup honey
3 T unsweetened Cocoa powder
1 cup oats

I use a square pan and divide it into twelve pieces. Put them in the fridge to set up.  To stay really firm, keep it in the fridge.

it was so good!  I had to rush and eat it before 8:30 and it hadn't fully set but it was still worth it.

I felt low on energy at the gym yesterday and today.  I need to make sure I'm eating enough for breakfast.

We Made It Through Week One!

What a beautiful day it was today!  My daughter Michelle is here so we went golfing.  We walked the course instead of getting a cart and I loved that - it felt great!  At least it felt great until I got blisters from my golf shoes - I'll have to work on that. I actually did the last three holes in my sock feet!
Another thing I did right today is that I made dinner this morning before we left because I knew we would be getting back right at dinner time and I didn't want to stress and eat something inappropriate under pressure.  I made a delicious yam and kale soup and with the leftover kale we made kale chips.  I also made some delicious homemade bread yesterday which satisfies the
carb cravings tremendously!  I usually put butter and homemade jam (the kind filled with sugar) on my slice, but homemade bread is so yummy I ate it without anything on it and still enjoyed it immensely :)  This morning I did put a pat of peanut butter on it though.
We passed the Baker's Boutique today and Michelle asked if it's still there.  I told her yes and if my car were here it would have pulled right in on autopilot!  I am getting ready to send my points to Sally.  I do have some negative points with birthday cake and all last weekend, but overall it's been a great week, I've lost some weight, I may have craved some sugar a bit, but I have not been at all hungry.  I'm excited for next week!!  Thanks to all of you for helping me get off to a good start!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 6

Things are still going well with me.  Now that I can't have treats, I'm craving whole wheat bread.  I find that when I'm starting to come off of sugar I start craving carbohydrates.  Our bodies need carbohydrates but I'm looking for them to give me a little boost, like when I'm tired or sad.  Whole grains help and last a little longer.

I have realized that I don't eat a lot of fruit. It's been nice having the 5 servings of fruits or vegetables.  I sometimes have a banana for breakfast but now I've added an apple or asian pear in the afternoon.  I'm craving something right now but it's almost bed time so I'm close to making it.  I'm working now and it sounds like a nice break to have something to eat. I keep trying to drink a glass of water when I feel like grabbing food.

Actually, these  apples would be really good with peanut butter.

This week has gone really fast.  I'll gather points from you at some point but I have to check when.

I'm enjoying trying to make a habit of not eating in the evenings and not eating my kids left over food. For some reason, in the past, I just consider it free calorie free food.  For a while I kept eating their left over pancakes and syrup.  So good.  Thanks for joining in on this with me. I appreciate it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Hello!  I had cravings today too!  I know I'm addicted to sugar and that's what I'm trying to overcome.  I've been reading a book called "10-Day Detox Diet" and it's all about overcoming that sugar addiction and what sugar does to your body (besides make you gain weight).  I really want to be in control of what I eat and not have it control me.  I did make progress today though.  I cut up some strawberries for dinner and did NOT put sugar on them!  And.... they tasted just fine without it! I walked about six miles today, at two different times.  I need to throw some weights and yoga in there to balance it out though and just haven't taken the time to do that.  We'll get there!  I love the team support and encouragement.  Let's keep up the good work - we can do this!


Hello ladies!  How have you been doing so far?  Any hurdles yet?  Today I had the most intense cravings ALL day long.  Thanks to a little help from Sally and some dark chocolate I was able to keep it under control but I am definitely realizing my addiction to emotional eating.  I'm discovering I am a bored eater.  Meg has been teething since Saturday and has needed all my time and attention.  She doesn't want to be set down for a second.  I am so grateful I can be home with her and grateful there's not pressure to get things done around the house but after a few days of not feeling "accomplished" I get frazzled, frustrated and bored and I want to eat anything and everything.

As far as points, I'm doing well in all the categories except exercise.  We're still in the painting/remodeling process and I've been using that as an excuse, thinking I don't have time, but I do.  It's important and I am committing to get my exercise points every day for the rest of the week.

I read a great book last month which sparked a fire under me spiritually.  It's called "Journey to the Veil" by John Pontius.  The author was given 6 months left to live and one of the Apostles told him to start a blog.  It's a compilation of his blog posts and it is fabulous.  It takes gospel principles and expands them in a simple, understandable way.  I have a copy if any of you would like to borrow it.

Hope you are each doing well.


Day 5

Hi Everyone!

I lost some points yesterday.  Well after 8:30pm I saw that Hank had left his muffin top on the table when he went to bed and I ate it. I had been at sprouts to stock up on vegetables and got them these really unhealthy muffins.  So I lost my don't eat after 8:30pm points.  So sad.  It was really good, though. I counted the muffin top as one of my negative food freebies.

I've been enjoying a lot of roasted vegetables but I'm so, so sad that blue cheese isn't on the neutral list.  It's on the limited neutral list and I want it every day on my vegetables. It gets all melty and delicious.  So I'm going to see if I can find a low fat blue cheese. I'm not sure it's out there.  Today I used Feta, which will do, but my love of blue cheese has grown so strong the last couple of months. It adds so much flavor with just a little sprinkle.

I sent you all invitations to this blog so you can post on it. I thought I had done it earlier but I  don't think I did it right.  So I sent them out again last night.

To answer JQ's question about the spiritual side of things, it's going well for me.  I have had a hard time with regular scripture study in my post kid life.  Mostly because I'm so tired at night so it's not a good study and my mornings are crazy.  I've started the Book of Mormon again since it is part of personal progress.  I have still been doing it at night but I've been trying to go to bed earlier. I've been having good success and I'm feeling the spirit.  I told Jayleen that I have to stop all or nothing thinking as far as scripture study goes.  If I can't get in a solid half an hr of intense study then I have to do what I can do. Some is better than none.  So though my reading hasn't been the best in my life, I am doing it and I feel really great about it.  My prayers have been good too. I'm trying to pray out loud and kneeling, after a lesson we taught the young women about prayer.  It really helps me stay focused and be more present.  Sometimes Lula is with me in the morning and in the evenings I do it while Willie is playing guitar in the basement.  So I'm feeling good and feel an increase in the spirit.

My trainer is moving and I'm starting with a new trainer after next week. I'm hoping it's a good fit.  I have had three trainers so far and I really liked my first one best.  I switched when I was pregnant for an easier class then kind of got stuck there. I'm hoping to get back to something a little more challenging.  I really like a hard workout.  Jayleen, I'm going to start up with John Ball (Teddy's trainer).

How are you all doing?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 3

Things are going well. I was going to write a little something last night but I stayed up really late painting our library and was too tired to do anything when I was done.  Willie made some great sautéed onions and sweet potatoes last night and I was so sad to see he took the leftovers to work.  Sweet potatoes are nice and starchy and fill my sugar cravings.

Last night I really wanted to eat after 8:30pm.  I think this might end up being one of the most beneficial habits I can learn (besides better spiritual daily devotions).  In general this is where my efforts to eat healthy and not as much go out the door. Willie and I are in a habit of watching TV together and making some caramel popcorn or something else delicious. It's really fun.  I have to realize that it can still be fun, even when he's digging into a bowl of caramel popcorn without me.

I talke to Jayleen and things are going well for her.  She's enjoying it and feels positive about the challenge.  She has concerns about having just a little bit of sweets instead of the whole thing and is still craving sugar.

Because i have my serving of dark chocolate I feel pretty good as far as sweets go.  If someone tried to take it away from me, I'd cry. I'm possibly going to try some kind of healthy-ish dessert for FHE, though my kids complain sometimes.  I really like coconut oil, oats, peanut butter, honey and cocoa powder. It's like a no bake and would go along with the section of the food list that is only 5 times a week.  They are really high in calories, though and i'm not sure if I can eat just one square.  I'll let you all know.

Karen, I'm glad you are home and I hope things work out with your car and I hope your mom gets better soon.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day One

I really like writing so i thought I'd make a place where we can communicate and share our experiences.  Today has gone well. I emailed in my weight this morning. I haven't taken my measurements yet, but plan on doing it right now. I'm going to the store to get some helpful food to have around.  I went on a run with Jen Berry during the conference break and she is a fast runner so I really got a run for my money.  It felt great.  I roasted cauliflower, carrots and onions and had it with my lunch and dinner.  So yum.  I was lucky I already had some dark chocolate around because i'm having mini  cadbury egg withdrawal.

You guys can contribute if you want, but no pressure.  I can also make it private, if you would like.  I would be willing to share my before and after pictures with you guys but probably not on Facebook.  I took a million before pictures and didn't like any of them.

Thanks for doing this.  My attitude has already changed now that I know we are working together. I've been so unmotivated lately.