Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Hello ladies!  How have you been doing so far?  Any hurdles yet?  Today I had the most intense cravings ALL day long.  Thanks to a little help from Sally and some dark chocolate I was able to keep it under control but I am definitely realizing my addiction to emotional eating.  I'm discovering I am a bored eater.  Meg has been teething since Saturday and has needed all my time and attention.  She doesn't want to be set down for a second.  I am so grateful I can be home with her and grateful there's not pressure to get things done around the house but after a few days of not feeling "accomplished" I get frazzled, frustrated and bored and I want to eat anything and everything.

As far as points, I'm doing well in all the categories except exercise.  We're still in the painting/remodeling process and I've been using that as an excuse, thinking I don't have time, but I do.  It's important and I am committing to get my exercise points every day for the rest of the week.

I read a great book last month which sparked a fire under me spiritually.  It's called "Journey to the Veil" by John Pontius.  The author was given 6 months left to live and one of the Apostles told him to start a blog.  It's a compilation of his blog posts and it is fabulous.  It takes gospel principles and expands them in a simple, understandable way.  I have a copy if any of you would like to borrow it.

Hope you are each doing well.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jayleen. I find that I really like to eat sweets for entertainment and when I'm stressed. When I have work pressure on, I usually grab something and just eat while I work. I don't enjoy it all all and sometimes I don't even realize how much I've eaten. Then some evenings, I want to eat something yummy to celebrate my time without kids and relaxing. It's strange how food can fill some holes. I'm glad you got some dark chocolate. I'm always surprised how I don't really want it when other sweets are around but when it's the only sweets I can have it turns very delicious. Sometimes I put a little bit of peanut butter on top. It's the perfect combo. That books sounds great. I'd love to check it out.
